
Showing posts from February, 2019
New Deck Build Sequence 1.  Preparing the ground for the deck footings: Above:  Site has been prepared by excavating down to undisturbed soil for the concrete footings.  Perimeter drains have been checked all the way around the house and have been replaced if necessary. 2.  Pouring the Footings and Columns: Above:  Concrete footings and concrete columns have been poured in place complete with galvanized post saddles for pressure-treated 6X6 posts. 3.  Installing the Posts:  Above:  Pressure-treated 6X6 posts are installed and fastened into the galvanized post saddles. 4.  Introducing the Beams and Joists: Above:  Pressure-treated beams and joists (with joist hangers), are fastened into place on top of the posts. 5.  Attaching the Stringers for the Stairs: Above:  Prefabricated metal stringers are fastened into place (wooden stringers can also be used).  Stringers are to be braced with late...